Bowser 25226 - HO ALCo RS-3 Phase 3 - Standard DC - Pennsylvania Keystone Scheme #5411

        Bowser 25226 - HO ALCo RS-3 Phase 3 - Standard DC - Pennsylvania Keystone Scheme #5411

        SKU: 6-25226
        Bowser 25226 - HO ALCo RS-3 Phase 3 - Standard DC - Pennsylvania Keystone Scheme #5411
        Not rated yet
        • CA$212.99
        Out of stock
        Bowser 25226 - HO ALCo RS-3 Phase 3 - Standard DC - Pennsylvania Keystone Scheme #5411 Ready To Run with Locomotive specific details: air hoses windshield wipers grab irons coupler lift bars operating headlight window glass fuel tank can motor flywheels blackened wheels with RP25 flanges and knuckle couplers. Analog (DC) version features 21 pin plug for DCC. DCC/Sound version features LokSound V5 decoder.
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        • Road Name
          Pennsylvania Keystone Scheme
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