Peco PSG-3 - Pro Grass Precision Micro Applicator

        Peco PSG-3 - Pro Grass Precision Micro Applicator

        SKU: 552-PSG3
        Pro Grass Precision Micro Applicator
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          • 16% less
          Market price:CA$148.95
          Save CA$23.96
        • CA$124.99
        Only 1 left in stock
        Pro Grass Precision Micro Applicator The Pecoscene Static Grass range enables modellers to produce realistic fields, grassed areas, moorlands and embankments. The Static Grass Applicators PSG-1, 2 and 3 electrostatically charge the grass filaments so that they stand vertically, regardless of the terrain. The PSG-1 applicator is designed for creating medium to large areas, such as lawns, fields, moorlands etc. Mixing various lengths and colours of grasses can produce highly realistic textures and effects.
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