Otter Valley Railroad Model Trains - Tillsonburg, Ontario Canada :: Paint :: Tamiya LP22 Flat Base Mini Lacquer Finish 10ml

Tamiya LP22 Flat Base Mini Lacquer Finish 10ml

Tamiya LP22 Flat Base Mini Lacquer Finish 10ml
Flat Base Lacquer Finish Paint
Add to Tamiya Color Lacquer Paints for a flat, matte effect
10 ml

Lacquer Paints
Tamiya Color bottled Lacquer Paints are highly versatile - whether using them to airbrush large areas, or pick out fine details with a brush, their stunning, consistent tones add superlative realism to your model. Their tough membrane suits them ideally to use as a basecoat, resistant to enamel paints, while swift drying times ensure an efficient painting process. A dedicated thinner is available.

Colors may vary slightly from Tamiya Color Acrylics and Sprays with the same name.
SKU 865-LP22
Quantity in stock 3 item(s) available
Price: CA$3.99
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